As always, my blogs are designed for informational purposes, you should always retain an attorney as each case is different.
Ok, now let's get started with one of my arch nemesis, legal zoom and other canned services seeking to make a quick buck with promises to be a cheaper alternative to those seeking legal help, or wanting to start a case.
I will make not if, ands or buts about zoom in my opinion is the absolute worst. Here is a quick list why:
1) They start off by telling you that they are limited in the amount of help they can provide.
2) A Legal Zoom Divorce (to start) cost about $500 dollars, with no indicator that you have the correct documents to file.
3) Mistakes are consistently made by litigants and cases are often rejected
4) Legal zoom is not tailored to your needs or to court requirements.
5) No attorney review is given once completed, and mistakes are way too common
6) Its harder to fix mistakes, and more expensive to fix the mistakes with filings once the filing has been completed.
7) I personally believe its a waste of money, I keep hearing horror stories, potential clients reach out to me about their filings, and frankly I walk away from problem filings and any attorney worth their salt would.
Ok, so now that I've explained my gripes with these services, I'd like to say that I do believe that their are cheaper options, using technology that can absolutely save clients hundreds if not thousands of dollars in legal bills and fees. However, I want be clear that I believe when it comes to matters such as family law, so much is dependent on state and local, your goals, property, children's needs, that frankly trying to go to a national vendor to expect all your needs to be met is still something of a fantasy, but just because it is a fantasy, doesn't mean that companies won't try to make a quick buck off the idea.
Ok, so let's get down to business!
You want to get your family law or divorce process started right now! You also don't have a ton of money, and you have got to the point where you KNOW you cannot afford legal help. You have looked everywhere, and now you just don't know what to do.
Well I hate to break it to you, if you have a lot of issues in your case, its your matter is contentious. If there is a lot to lose (kids, time, money, even jail time...eek)....I would always 100% recommend that you figure out some way to get a lawyer, there is no replacement for an attorney in these types of matters. Especially in issue dealing with property and kids. You can't be cheap and you shouldn't spare any expense on getting counsel asap!
However, if you want to walk away from your marriage, and you and your (significant other - or former SO) have made it so you both can agree on most/all aspects of your matter, this is where a digital product/forms could come in handy for you. You should also feel good about going to court, speaking up for yourself and navigating the system in order to accomplish your goals. (ie. no fighting over kids, no GAL, no allegations of abuse ect)
If this is you, then just getting the ball rolling in your case may be all you are looking for, and the right info may just be what you need, along with the quick attorney review, to get your started on the path towards accomplishing your goals, without you having to spend tens of thousands of dollars on your divorce or family law case.
With all of that said, A Cross Law Firm PLLC is currently in the process of developing digital products, that not only would be tailored to addressing your specific case, but each purchase comes with a 20 minute review of your documents upon purchase to ensure your information is correct, and to help you avoid the major pitfalls that many big box digital legal service vendors come with. These products are tailored to certain counties and division within Illinois, and you can be certain that a live Illinois licensed attorney will review your docs before you chose to submit.
For more information, click on BOOK NOW, in the menu bar and select to get on the waitlist for our digital products, and you will be alerted on our new products and services.