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Child Support Woes & Bankruptcy - Family Relationship Management- WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW CAN KILL YOU!

So the next topic in this Blog series is about how what we don't know about child support, bankruptcy, and our finances can destroy us!

Did you know that failure to pay child support will show up on your credit report, and can completely destroy your credit?

Did you know that even if you aren't married, and a child is born of your relationship, that even if you and your significant other worked out an agreement unofficially, that there are situations in which you can be held responsible for back child support owed?

Did you know that just because you are being subject to a child support order, and money is being garnished from your check, that you could still face legal consequences for not meeting the amount ordered for support by the court?

Did you know that there are ways to pay your child support payments in a way where you can reduce the interest charged on your owed support payments due? Did you even know that interest is charged on your child support obligations?

Did you know that you could use chapter 13 bankruptcy to make your child support payments, while also using it as a tool to clean up your financial messes, and get yourself out of debt?

Not knowing all of these basic things that I have mentioned can lead you to financial ruin, or even worse, you could end up in jail!

If you are currently struggling with a recent divorce, child support issues, or is important that you get on the phone with an attorney who can guide you through potential options. A lot of parents (especially dads) are in cycle of just getting by, and on the brink of losing their car, home, accounts and other personal properties....while still facing the potentiality of jail time and bad credit. It is possible to clean up your finances, to eliminate debt, abide by your child support obligation, while building a future you can feel comfortable with.

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